Votes and Proceedings - Plenary

Meeting Venue:


Meeting date:
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Meeting time: 14.00
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Statement by the Llywydd

The item started at 14:00

The Llywydd welcomed Members to the first virtual Plenary session of the National Assembly for Wales and set out that this Plenary meeting, being held by video conference in accordance with the Standing Orders of the National Assembly for Wales, constitutes proceedings of the Assembly for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. 

The Llywydd stated that, having consulted with the Business Committee, the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply in relation to quorum, weighted voting, and the disapplication of the requirements for oral questions. 

The Llywydd gave notice that, in accordance with Standing Order 34.17, it  was not practicable for the meeting to be broadcast live. A recording would be made available on Senedd TV as soon as possible after the meeting was completed and a record of proceedings would be published in the usual way. 

The Llywydd also reminded Members that Standing Orders relating to Order and the organisation of business in Plenary meetings would apply to this meeting. 



1       Business Statement and Announcement

The item started at 14.03



2       Statement by the First Minister: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The item started at 14.05



3       Statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The item started at 14.58



4       Statement by the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales: Economic Response to Covid-19

The item started at 15.58



Statement by the Llywydd

The Llywydd thanked Members and officials for their work in holding this extraordinary Plenary session, and stated that democratic accountability was continually improving even in these most challenging of times and that we would continue to repeat virtual Plenary sessions for as long as needed.



The meeting concluded at 16.42

The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at Time Not Specified, Tuesday, 7 April 2020